LilYPad for

Roller Skating Rinks

Roller skating can be a fun and challenging way to get exercise, improve balance and coordination, and express creativity. It’s a good physical activity for all ages.

A Popular Pastime for Decades

Fun and Challenging

Roller Skating Rinks have been around for decades and remain popular today as a place where groups can meet up and have fun! As technology advances, so must establishments upgrade to cater to new generations of customers. With that in mind, Roller Skating Rinks would benefit greatly from adding the right point-of-sale system to make their business that much more streamlined and efficient. That’s where LilYPad’s easy-to-use interface and reasonable price make it a great choice for any Roller Skating Rink!

Everything you Need

For Your Roller Skating Rink

Here are some LilYPad POS Software features that highlight its versatility when dealing with the specific needs that arise while operating a Roller Skating Rink.

Party Booking

LilYPad’s in-house booking features allow your staff to book parties on the spot for the current day or future events. Not only are parties displayed on LilYPad’s calendar but you can also print out a list of parties with guest lists and add-ons for each day.  LilYPad’s party booking features can be further extended with LilYPad’s Online Party Booking module allowing customers to book parties through your website 24 hours a day.

Ticket Sales

LilYPad will allow you to track admissions ensuring you never exceed your capacity. Not only will LilYPad handle your regular admissions, but can handle special events such as school holidays, or seasonal activities. All ticket sales can be viewed and tracked within LilYPad at any time to prevent issues such as overbooking. LilYPad’s Online Ticket Sales Module will allow all of your tickets to be available online through your website so your customers can ensure they book the time they want. 

Waiver Management

LilYPad gives customers the ability to fill out electronic waivers in-house using equipment such as tablets and touchscreen displays. All these electronic waivers get attached to the customer’s profile so they need never fill out multiple waivers! With LilYPad’s Online Waiver module customers can create their own profiles and sign their waivers before they even get to the park via your website

Wristband Management

LilYPad has a great feature that allows establishments to print wristbands for customers. LilYPad can track the facility’s current occupancy by scanning customers in and out using the bar code located on their wristbands. Another useful feature of wristbands is the option to use multiple colours to keep track of different groups and/or timed admissions.

Employee Time Clock

This built-in LilYPad feature keeps track of all employee information, hourly rates and hours worked; multiple reports can be printed based on this information. Managers & Administrators can view all this information at any time on LilYPad with ease!

Real-Time Updates

All party bookings, ticket sales and customer waivers that are processed on your website with LilYPad’s modules are immediately visible to anyone logged into LilYPad. This real-time interaction provides customers with up-to-date information about availability and also offers Kidz Kastle overbooking protection!

Everything you need to run your business

LilYPad Modules

Online Party Booking

Allow customers to view your schedule in real-time, book their party, and pay online.

Online Product Sales

Sell gift cards online, as well as memberships, classes, and camps.

Online Waiver

Streamline the check-in process by having your customers fill out their waivers before they arrive.

Online Ticket Sales

Selling admission tickets online helps keep your line-ups short and customers happy by ensuring they get the time they want.

Auto Membership

Set up memberships and LilYPad will automatically process recurring payments.

Advanced Customer Management

More tools to better manage online customers. Send surveys after parties, allow customers to manage their party guests, and take payments for group sales.

Let’s Talk About Your Business

There are many other features and functionality that we would love to show you. If you would like to get a demonstration of how LilYPad can help your Roller Skating Rink. Demos can be as quick as 20 minutes or can be as long as you like. Be sure to check us out…you won’t be disappointed!

Roller skates